jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

Printed version of "Heaven" Now on sale + Kindle Edition FREE + New poster

The printed version of "Heaven" is now on sale at Createspace and Amazon!! The paperback is available for you to order while the Kindle version is totally FREE just for limited time, so don't miss the chance of having your favourite poems printed for you to read anywhere or to give others as a very emotional gift.  

More exciting news are coming as "Aurora and Asphyxia" has been fully translated to English, so very soon you will be able to download your FREE copy too!! By now I give you also this new poster that I hope you enjoy and share, made with a small extract of the book "Heaven". 

Don't forget to follow the Pinterest account of the blog in order to get more promotional poster you can share in social networks or even Print and give as a card. 

Hugs from Chile 
Milza L.

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