miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015

Did Your Father Ever Die? - Cemel Sureya

Did your father ever die? 
Mine died once. I went blind 
He has been washed up. 
got and taken away
I never expect this from my father 
I became blind 
Did you ever go to a hammam? 
One of the lights went off  when I was there
One of my eyes went off I went blind 
There was a round shaped sky on top 
It was blue all over I became blind 
The stones the hammam stones 
The stones were so bright like a mirror 
I saw half of my face in the stones 
It was like something like something bad 
I wouldn’t expect this from my face 
I became blind 
Did you ever cry when you were soapy? 

Cemal Süreya, 1958 
Poem also appears in Ezel television series, 

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