jueves, 30 de julio de 2015


I was going ouy from my choking job and got off the choking bus to get on the stifling subway train that would transport my empty body into a larger vacuum still known as the center of Santiago. I began to mentally counteract all that frightening reality to the sacred atmosphere of the Great Reserve, where I left my best memories stored. Well, I ended up in a disgusting "Starbucks" writing once all my torments, while in the background heard again and again that amazing and dark song: "Sober" from Tool, feeling like being inside of that sordid sublimely video, caught between pipes of human flesh and monsters with sad remains of unachieved dreams...

"I will find a center in you,
I will chew it up and leave,
I will work to elevate you
Just enough to bring you down ... "

I think I've become a ghost, among all these ghosts citizens.

Milza López, 2015

jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

Facebook covers with Rumi's poetry quotes

This are some facebook covers I made taking some of my favourite Rumi's quotes and personal pictures. Hope you enjoy them =)

Have a nice weekend and enjoy reading poetry. 
Milza López

jueves, 9 de julio de 2015

. M A R Í A .

 Search for her in the field
of your bitten dreams,
She is the poison in the years
of the forbidden winds.
Her spell needs for vice
to make it beat in your heart,
and her next soul is born in martyrdom
of the angels-owners of the reason.
Why is  she frightening and strange?
Why is she insensitive and inhumane?
Why it she intangible in the glare of the people?
Why should she die in the light of her sister?
Because she chose to walk
in the kingdom into oblivion,
because she was not born to love,
because she is María, the daughter of the Abyss.
And because she lives in the forest
of the sharpened memory,
ready to turn back
the time that has not passed
and move the hours into her favor,
save kisses in her dreams
(that today she will see achieved),
leave hugs in her flashes
and in the scented hatred.
María will keep on running
without knowing what is before her eyes,
and will believe hers what she goes taking
as if she was able to defeat
the heart that is dangerous,
the heart that is powerful...

Extracted from "The Poisoned Arrow and Other Texts",

Milza López, 2007.

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

A small collection of social media posters you can share *FREE*

Today I wanted to give you this collection of social media posters of poetry, so you can share them totally FREE in your pages, they are already in the blog's Pinterest site and you can enjoy more of them there.

I really expect you like them, if you want more or would like quotes from another authors don't forget to write about it in the comments. This time I'm going to publish the posters related to the book "Heaven", wich is available in both paperback format and Kindle at Amazon.com.

Remember all the pictures used are my very own.
Let me know what you think, and thanks for reading!!
Milza López

martes, 7 de julio de 2015

Soundtrack for a Happy July: Amélie

Amélie is a well-known movie, almost a classical one, with a lot of admirers all over the world due the sweet and fresh personality and story of the main character.
Today we live a quiet July, in the South hemisphere we star the rainy and cloudy time, while in the North side there is a nice and hot summer running through the pathway of life. As blogger, I wish you all a nice July time, and I recommend you this month to hear the soundtrack of the movie Amélie, by the arstist Yann Tierson, wich is full of nice melodies and an explosion of colors and textures. It really inspires me and takes me to another land and Era.

You can hear free in Youtube platform or download in iTunes and stuff. Hope you enjoy it!

Greetings from Chile!
Milza López

viernes, 3 de julio de 2015

BRAND NEW BOOK: A Journal Into Bipolar Disorder

I am very happy to present you a brand new book: A Journal Into Bipolar Disorder, which is my personal diary of living with this mental illness. 

The book contains reflections and personal notes of my experience through the "roller coaster" of Bipolar, like the one entitled "Differential Diagnosis" or "The Culminant Moment", and also has several exclusive poems such as "Mixed State", "Spiral" and "Episode", between many others. 

It has 29 brand new contents and 52 pages, and there is a spanish version too, called "Diario de una joven bipolar", wich is also available in Amazon. 

This is the First Kindle Edition and soon you will be able to buy the Paperback version, so you can enjoy it in the traditional way too. The book is FREE ond Kindle Unlimited!.

I hope you find a lot of interesting bridges that connect you with this condition in this book,  I am responding any question and will be soon telling you more about my experience and this brand new book. 

Hugs from Chile,
Milza López.